Monday, 27 January 2014

The method of interview is extensively used in every field of social work, whether it is social work research,case work or psychiatric social work. this is the direct method of inquiry,which mostly happen between tow persons or in other forms between psychologist and a patient and apart from that its is used for other many purposes in social work research.
   The following types of interview have been classified by "social scientists".

1-According to purpose:

   A- Diagnostic interview:  As the name indicate,this type of interviews are held psychiatry,like between a psychologist and patient,  with a purpose to grasps nature and the inner life of a patient.

   B- Treatment interview: Psychological melodies are physical and non- physical , if the cause of psychological melody is diagnosed as a non- physical thus further help is taken through treatment interview.

   C- Research interview:  In this interview question to be asked together the desired information pre-determined and by asking them of the information that data is collected.

2- According to subject matter:
     A-Qualitative interview:  This type of interview mostly used in social work research which about complex subject matter because the interview held to range over past, present, and future to know enough about a case.
B-Quantitative Interview: The quantitative interviews are those in which ,certain set of facts or information's are gathered about a large number person ,this is mostly used in social work research.

C- Mixed Interview: In certain interviews both types of data required , qualitative ,and non- qualitative are sought,there for its knows as mixed interview.

3- According to role:
   A- Non- directive interview: This is a type of interview  in which the interviewer provides no direction and help, the interviewer merely engage the interviewee in talk and encourage him to talk about his experience. This is suitable method for studding the problem of social dis organization.

B- Focus interview: This type of interview was used by"Robert .K Merton" and his associates for studding the socio-psychological effects of mass media,like radio,television,cinema etc.

C- Repeated interview: This type of interview is held in developmental process of a social or psychological studies.

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Most of the people define social work as "help someone by giving money or help by any other mean is social work" and those who help others or who are active in community are called as social workers. Some people consider social work is part of  sociology or Sociology and Social work,both are same. Such all concepts are totally contradictory to actual status and definition of social work and social worker. So, what is the actual status and definition of social work? "Social work is a technique carried out by professionally trained by using the methods of social work, which aims to make individuals,groups and communities able to identify their social issues and their resources and solve the issues by using the available resources." The basic objective of social work is community development. It is the helping process by
 professionally trained who carry out the process of Social work are called Social worker. Objective of social work is to make people independent not dependent. Sociology is based on theories, it sets theories on different social issues while Social work, by using its methods and tools makes sure the implementation of theories to eradicate the social issues.

Sunday, 19 January 2014

1.Case study:
   This method is mostly used in depth studies of a singular case.This method is the qualitative method of social work research  through this method exploring inner life of a individual,group or,even a entire community.

2. Questionnaire: As the name indicate, questionnaire means as the set of set of questions, the researcher seeks the answers of those selected questions in order to gain knowledge from respondents.

3. Schedule : The schedules  is also a list of questions is  formulated,and presented with pacific purpose of testing and assumptions of hypothesis.There are two ways to secured  questions,in the first,It may be post to individual, and  in the second, the researcher himself has to present the questionnaires to individuals, In the method the interviewer himself passes the questionnaire and answers are noted down by him.

 4. Interview: The method of interview is extensively used in every field of social work research. This is the direct study of inquiry and as well as depth study. This is the systematic method of social work by which the entire world,fillings,expressions are studied or observed in order to actual responses.

Saturday, 18 January 2014

                     community organizer is an effective person for community development. social organizer is person who is skill full and organizes communities or organizing is a process which does use by community organizer to bring the people into an organization that acts in their shared self-interest,who live close to each other in space, time or relationship.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

 The community organizers job is to mobilize all the resources whether internal or external to solve the problems of groups or communities. He has to utilize these resources. He should also explore the talents and ability of different groups in the community and should explore active person. It is very necessary for the development of community to use properly the material and non material resources.

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Community development is a helping process, useful means of maintaining and developing the human material potentials and capacities in the community for meeting social needs and raising the living stander of people. The principles of community development typically embodied in communitydevelopment programs. It is very necessary to keep in view principles of community development during the working (helping process) in the community. There are certain NGOs and other government organization working in this field to assist communities. I hope below principles are useful for such organization, development teams in succeed their programs.

·         Democratic: Respect must be given to the will of the majority and it is also necessary to heard all voices and majority request is also protected.

·         Inclusive: There are some important characteristics that often marginalize people. All community members are allowed to participate in these kinds of helping processes, whether who are poor or disables.

·         Identification of active persons: Every community has some dynamic and active persons, a community developer should first identify active persons and negotiate with them about programs where he goes to work, that kind of people are helpful to prepare and organize the community to cooperate in this matter.

·         Self-determination: Let the community to be gather to discuss their concerns, options and arrive at their own conclusion . They need technical and social guidance from experts, but it must be considered their own decisions that may be right for them.

·         Enhance material capacities: We should believe that every community has source of strengths, for example certain individuals are active and have practical talents and skills to help others in need. A community developer should identify these kinds of assets and work with them.

·         Encourage: A developer should encourage the community to participate and in decision making.

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Psychotic disorder person's inner world and behavior is notably changed and that kind of people left back in the race of social development.
1-With draw in social activities                 2-Disorganized behavior
3-Bit appetite                                           4-Non sense believes
5-Agitation                                               6 –Anxiety
7-Lack of confidence                               8-Introvert
9-Speciousness                                       10-Extra emotional

Monday, 6 January 2014

Rural development is a combination of different actions and activities of diverse characters i.e. individuals, groups, and organizations, which taken together leads to positive change in rural areas; from the above mentioned actors everyone has its own importance; organizations are may refer to nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), which know the best how to bring development in any discipline; to develop any discipline the first requirement is research. NGOs do focus on quality research. Research is used in rural development mostly set out to explore an issue in order to plan development programes. In rural areas NGOs aim to create some sort of social change to set up development process andresearch also aims the same. That’s why NGOs have to depend on research to bring development in rural areas.

Sunday, 5 January 2014

1-Selection of topic;
     On the basis of avalable information the researcher formulate the problem under study,the slected problem should be related to the branch of social work.
2-Formulation of hypothesis:
     The second step where the researcher has to gather certain ideas about the slected problem,that kind of few imagination helps the researcher to investigate about the problem.
      In this step the researcher has to prapaire a research design.This process enable the worker to carry on his work properly. It is very helpful test the hypothesis,analysis data and take other steps.
4-Survy of related litrature:
     In the frist step i tried to narrate about avalabe information on based researcher has to slect a subject, in this step researcher has to survy the related literature related to the problem. This process is very helpful to proper understanding of the problem.
5-Study of material:
       When the researcher com to researcher on a spacific topic,there are various topics related to the problem , for proper understanding it is necessary to study the matarial related to the problem.
6- Data collection:
         As soon as my knowlodge is concern, this process of a research is very critical and tedious, after hairspring a research design the process of data collection is started.For this purpose, first step is the collection of data or facts pertaining to the problem, and this process is implemented by taking interviews and questionnaires.
7- Data tabuluation:
        Only data collection is not sufficient for research, for proper study of the problem, it is necessary that data should be systematically tabulate and classified , this helps worker to proceed in the right direction.
8-Analysis of data:
        After the tabulation of data this process is started that the worker proceeds to analyse and interpret the data, after the tabulation the worker is able to categorization the data according its characteristic.
       After analysis and interpertation of data, the researc

Friday, 3 January 2014

The philosophy of social work is still not clear specially for citizens weather who are literate or illiterate.The growth and development of social work is consider "charity" or poor relief, and as the result there is confusions about the philosophy of social work. It is there fore necessary to analyze the philosophy of social work.
    Social work can be describe as 'helping activity" that deals to assist individuals, families, groups, communities in relation to many socioeconomic problems in which impact on their growths,and social functions.
    Social work enabling process focus on theoretical and philosophical position such as social Justice,advocacy,empowerment.

  • The actual philosophy of social work is to respect the dignity, identity, and worth of the people.   
  • To accept human relation, integrity,  competence and their performance.
  • perusing social change, particularly with on behalf of oppressed individuals and groups of people.
  • Social work believe that every body has abilities and resources to be part of dynamic  component of society.

    Psychiatric social work is defined as a branch of social work, by using the methods and skills of social work those patients are treated who due to emotional disturbance feels difficulties in adjustment within the society. Thus psychiatric social work is a helping tool towards the welfare of patients, suffering from emotional or mental disorder.
  In ancient time mental disorder were not considered as a disease and neither was it taken seriously. The eighteen century saw the beginning of mental attention and more human treatments of the mentally ill people. This gathered momentum in nineteenth century some studies which highlighted the interdependence of the mind and body, culminating in Sigmund Freud’s theories of the unconscious and his great method derangement. 
     The human personality is like an organization that could be disorganized any time, it happens due to conflict among the inner aspects of the personality. Some people feel difficulties in facing their crisis by their own emotional responses to situations. Anxieties, tensionsand emotional responses are the inner aspects of our personality. If a person cherish these kind of aspects in his or her personality it may result ensuing and suicide.
   A major share of mental disorganization is the result of inability to adjust to the strain of modern life. To struggle for power, job frustrations, financial crisis physical diseases and many other factors combine to increase the difficulty of living in the modern world.

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Community organization is a method of social work, through which welfare needs of community are met. It brings harmonious contribution between the needs and resources.
   It is as the process efforts made by community organizer who may be voluntary worker or a government functionary. Who towards bring about, tomobilize community resources for batter handling of community needs and problems. Community organization is the democratic method like other methods of social work, based on the believe in the worth and dignity of the individual and community to change for the betterment and with the aim to brings about coordination between various individuals, groups and organization associate with programs  for the upliftment of the community.
       There was much confusion in understanding the concept of community organization, other terms such as communitydevelopment, community work, and community planning is used in context of community organization, when NGOs started to work on different community development projects by using the knowledge of community organization then the concept of community organization became comprehensive. Misconceptions and conflicts among community members are considered as a big wall in the way of community organization that the knowledge of community organization uproots the wall and developing capacities in the community by make it more organized to handle its own needs or problems by this process people are brought to gather to agree and act in common self-interest.