The method of interview is extensively used in every field of social work, whether it is social work research,case work or psychiatric social work. this is the direct method of inquiry,which mostly happen between tow persons or in other forms between psychologist and a patient and apart from that its is used for other many purposes in social work research.
The following types of interview have been classified by "social scientists".
1-According to purpose:
A- Diagnostic interview: As the name indicate,this type of interviews are held psychiatry,like between a psychologist and patient, with a purpose to grasps nature and the inner life of a patient.
B- Treatment interview: Psychological melodies are physical and non- physical , if the cause of psychological melody is diagnosed as a non- physical thus further help is taken through treatment interview.
C- Research interview: In this interview question to be asked together the desired information pre-determined and by asking them of the information that data is collected.
2- According to subject matter:
A-Qualitative interview: This type of interview mostly used in social work research which about complex subject matter because the interview held to range over past, present, and future to know enough about a case.
B-Quantitative Interview: The quantitative interviews are those in which ,certain set of facts or information's are gathered about a large number person ,this is mostly used in social work research.
C- Mixed Interview: In certain interviews both types of data required , qualitative ,and non- qualitative are sought,there for its knows as mixed interview.
3- According to role:
A- Non- directive interview: This is a type of interview in which the interviewer provides no direction and help, the interviewer merely engage the interviewee in talk and encourage him to talk about his experience. This is suitable method for studding the problem of social dis organization.
B- Focus interview: This type of interview was used by"Robert .K Merton" and his associates for studding the socio-psychological effects of mass media,like radio,television,cinema etc.
C- Repeated interview: This type of interview is held in developmental process of a social or psychological studies.