Monday, 30 December 2013

   The main principles of community organization as a under;
1- Community Organizer should accept the community, and should accept himself accepted by the community,for gaining acceptance in the community,where he goes with the aim of working and he should contact with various socio-cultural groups and sub groups.

2- The felt needs,resources are kept in view during the process of ommunity organization.

3- The organizer should firm belief  on the capability of the community to deal with the problems with which it is faced.

4- Planing group should respect all people concern and the decision must include people with technical knowledge of health.

5- Community Organizer should interacted with the active person of the community to understanding felt needs, and resources of and try to organize through the help of active person.

6- Community organizer should provide full freedom to the community in respect of determination of needs and resources as also the plane and not to impose his own views on people in the community.

7- Formal and informal community members should involve in decision making.

8- The attitude and approach of community organizer towards work with the community should be non-judgmental.

9-Whether it is identification of needs problems,or it is creation of an organization, or it is formulation of community  plans and programs,people in the community, through their representatives.

10- Asking question to the community is very  important this greatest skill of asking guest ion to the community an organizer can have is ability to frame and ask.

Thursday, 26 December 2013

Social work-research is a tool in order to asses’ social problems of communities. It is fact that problems are not easy to solve without understanding about and its causes, for this purpose  social work research is considered one of the easiest way to collect the facts about any social problem and then  the problem solving process is started of  collected data. Therefore social work research is considered as the auxiliary method of social work.
    Social work is the systematic method and a collective effort of discovering new facts about social problems. In the words of Webster, “Social work research is a studious inquires usually critical and exhaustive investigation or experimentation having for its own aim the revision of accepted conclusions in the light of newly accepted facts”.
    Social work research enables social workers to make their programs more effective and useful. It also refine social work techniques and methods to use for solving social problems, faced by depressed, and under privileged groups and communities.
    Infect, Social work research is collective efforts to a acquire new knowledge and various aspects of society , social work research focus on broad arias of the problems of the agency and as a cooperative process it is suited to study to a group process in administration.

Monday, 16 December 2013

Donation is a supportive process, specially given to the deserved people to meet their needs .Donation is a primarily a gift or grant weather it is in the from of price, food, clothes,medical care needs, or any emergency relief.Donation basically without intrust and nonrefundable aid. 
There are some importance of NGOs which would help you to understand about NGOs.
(1) NGOs believe on democracy and perform in independent environment with the aim of well-being of individuals.groups and communities.
(2) NGOs specially perform in under developed countries,where people are lack of resources and Anabel to face their problems.
(3) NGOs utilizes their resources in a wright way,such as working in slum or backward arias.
(4) NGOs render useful services to distances and victims.
(5) NGOs works on physical,mental handicap people.
(6) NGOs provide opportunities to citizens to participate in national development activities.
(7) The workers  of NGOs are not like government servants that thy have not any patience and dedications like a NGO worker.
A non government organization (NGO) is citizen based association operates without any government influence or political enforcement, perform with the aim of  well-being of individuals,groups and communities,and its primarily concern with development projects,or advocacy relevant activities.

Saturday, 14 December 2013

Social work practice is a helping process by which individuals, groups, and communities are capable to stand on their fit. The primary mission of social work is to work on depressed,neglected, and special people who are depended or back in the race of socio economic development.
   Some one said about social work that "If you serve fish to a hunger three times in a day,inspite of that you should teach him about caching fish(fishing) so that he himself  survive and avail this opportunity.